Rivkah Cohen

A vida emocional de cada um
 depende da falta ou existência de carinho.
 Quando a vida lhe é muito fria,
inevitavelmente, esse se torna seu caminho!
 A pessoa não se constrange em ser rude,
 pois a vida lhe mostrou que não é errado agir assim.
 Na verdade,
 essa pessoa precisa é que alguém lhe ajude
 a apagar uma infância ruim!
 Se os pais soubessem
 os caminhos que eles oferecem,
 não agiriam assim!
 A criança necessita só de carinho e amor,
 o alimento pode até vir depois!
 Se atentassem a isto não haveria tanto desencontro e dor
  principalmente na vida a dois!
por sua vez,
já foram recebidos à vida assim,
 mas bem poderiam cortar esta cadeia
 que destina um mundo tão ruim
 onde poucos sabem amar e a maioria odeia!
Evitariam esse mundo tão desigual
 onde vemos que o ódio impera.
 Se o homem não pensasse e agisse de forma animal
 quem sabe assim teríamos uma nova Era
 onde realmente pudéssemos oferecer
 um mundo mais eficaz,
  onde pudesse existir um novo amanhecer
 e erguêssemos um mundo de Paz?

Everybody's emotional life
Depends largely on the lack or profusion
Of surrounding affection.
When one's story is really hard,
Their statements usually end up with interjection.

Such person does not blush when being rude,
For life showed them there's no wrong in acting this way.
In fact, what they need is a helping hand
To finally erase their tough childhood,
Or at least blur their sad yesterday.

If parents could figure out
The paths they offer as options,
They would never forget to give their children
Their gentle eyes, their mild manners!

What children only need is love and care.
Feeding can even arrive later on!
Paying attention to that,
There wouldn't be so much sorrow out there
Nor would those children, as grown-ups,
An endless chain of mismatches spawn.

Those parents, in turn,
Had already been brought to life
Under such sad and poor conditions,
but should definitely take this idea
Of stopping carelessness from going further
As their souls' very mission.

They would avoid an umbalanced world
In which hatred is the rule.

If man didn't keep thinking and acting like a beast,
Who knows,
We would've already been introduced to a new Era,
When we could abundantly offer to the upcoming ones
A better bread, made of healthier wheat and stronger yeast,
When we could also testify the existance of a new sunrise,
When we could build up a world of peace?
Versão: Rei